eCommerce & Digital Marketing Conference North 2021

About the Event


Digital Marketing

Following the successful events of ECDM Expo Greece & SE Europe the last three years in Athens and taking into consideration the growing interest in a business event for the e-commerce and digital advertising industry in Northern Greece, we are glad to announce the organization of eCommerce & Digital Marketing Conference North, 2021 - ECDM Conference, North.

It is a conference that also offers exhibition space to the interested companies and will take place on November 6 & 7, 2021 at Vellideio Conference Center, Thessaloniki.

The conference aims to present to the public of Northern Greece the best practices from successful ebusiness projects and all modern services and products: e-shop infrastructure, digital advertising, online payments and products shipping.

ECDM Conference North 2021 is expected to be supported by the largest companies in all of the above sectors, as they support the ECDM Expo in Athens.

The venue

Vellideio is distinguished for its functionality and its ability to host all kinds of events. It is called "Vellideio" in honor of Ioannis Vellidis, who was a Greek journalist, publisher and businessman, one of the most important Thessalonians of the 20th century.

Vellideio has five conference halls, auxiliary spaces and reception areas with the most modern equipment.

All of its rooms are air conditioned and it has modern audiovisual equipment that also meets the needs of translation services of up to 11 languages.

In the conference center there is the possibility of organizing three parallel events.

There is also a roof garden with a capacity of 1,000 people that can host events/ Also, an underground parking with a capacity of 430 cars.

Ioannis Vellidis operates all year round and hosts various events, such as conferences, workshops, symposia, seminars, press conferences, corporate presentations, concerts of classical and contemporary music and theatrical performances.

Exhibitors Categories

Digital Agencies

Digital Payment Services

Courier & Logistics Services

Additional Services

Design and Usability

Mobile Applications




Social Media

Marketing Automation

Cloud & Hosting

e-mail Marketing

Visitors' Main Categories

eCommerce Owners

eCommerce Executives


Marketing Managers

In a rapidly evolving industry, visitors are looking for partners and technologies to help them become more competitive and profitable, addressing the needs for constant restructure of their internet presence and ebusiness strategy in general.

Whether a company is selling products, or is a service provider (in tourism sector etc.), the "refreshing" of its online presence and marketing strategy has been proved beneficial, in order to seek optimum presence and technological processes to attract new customers.

ECDM Conference North, is the only business event in the Northern Greece and the wider South East European region, where professional visitors can have direct contact with partners, to meet, compare and choose the best services and solutions which suits their needs.


6 & 7 Νοεμβρίου 2021Βελλίδειο Συνεδριακό ΚέντροΘεσσαλονίκη

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